Emergencies & First Aid · The Wildest

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Emergencies & First Aid

Learn who to call for pet emergencies, how to know when a pet injury is an emergency, and other emergency care advice to help in a pinch.

a woman with curly hair smiles down at her daschund

We got our paws on a calculator and did the research so you don’t have to

A small white and brown dog stands in a veterinary clinic with a red bandage on his front leg.

Poorly pets often need blood transfusions – here’s how you and your pet can help

Woman with her dog relaxing in living room.

Look out for these warnings signs so you know when to call the vet

woman with black curly hair sleeping in bed with her long hair daschund

Is there anything better than snuggling up to your pup all night? Here’s how to do it safely

Labrador sitting in the grass coughing

Whether it’s socks, stones or an affair partner’s underpants (true story), a vet weighs in on how what to do when your dog swallows something that wasn’t on the menu

Man with glasses on the phone with dog on his lap

So Fido has been in your chocolate stash... heres what to do

corgi puppy hiding under table afraid

The emotional road to recovery can be a long one. Heres what you can do

vet smiling at dog

As a vet working in emergency practice, I often see cases where these bills could be reduced or avoided altogether

black and white dog looking ill laying on couch

Trust me, I’m a vet

Close up photo of Corgi dog staring up at a flying bee

From how to get the stinger out at home to when it’s time to go to the vet

bandaging dog's bleeding paw

Don’t freak out. Emergency room veterinarian Dr Shea Cox will walk you through what to do

A dog laying on the floor

The goo in that green-and-orange bottle can cause serious harm – get your dog to the vet ASAP

A dog sneezing near a blossoming tree.

And what can I (or should I) do when my dog keeps sneezing?

shy dog frightened in the arms of the owner. this brown mixed-breed hound puppy has a sweet gaze. the female owner has a wool sweater

A vet explains why the weather isn’t always to blame

Red-haired woman holding sleeping dog in her lap on the bed

And how to help them feel better fast

Dalmatian and Great Dane mixed dog at the vet being checked on by a nurse in bright green scrubs

Consider it the mother of all dog emergencies – if your dog has it, take them to the vet ASAP. Learn how to spot the condition and how its treated

Wooden table of autumn fruits and grapes, with a woman and a cute dog seated at it.

The answer is no, no, no and here’s why

Woman taking temperature of her brown dog.

Spoiler: there are more ways than the one youd rather avoid

A dog with its eyes closed and mouth open sitting on a hardwood floor.

Learn about the causes and what to do for a choking dog

Veterinarian examining a dog

Certain symptoms could mean your dog is battling a potentially fatal condition called haemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE). Here’s everything you need to know